Tuesday, September 23, 2014


It has been a little while since I posted. I have been busy. I need to make time to blog more. It gives me a lot of strength to share my feelings. Lately I have felt very overwhelmed. I have been unemployed for a couple of months. I have been doing some contract work, trying to start a business, and now I have started a part time job. There are certain things I expect myself to accomplish, and certain things my wife expects me to accomplish. There are also things I want to do for fun. I am terrible at prioritizing. I spend a lot of time working on one thing and let everything else slide. I need to find a way to balance my life. I went to see my councilor yesterday. He wants me to work on my diet and exercise. He says this is one area that porn addicts neglect when they are in recovery. This is just one more thing I need to add to my to do list. I wish there were more hours in a day, or that I didn't need to sleep. I want things to get easier immediately. I need to be patient and learn to enjoy the ride. The destination will get here soon enough.

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